A compare and contrast style of writing is often something asked for by teachers, and you should know how to do it if you want to get good grades. It isn’t too different from other essays, but there are a few things you need to know before you start. The basics of this kind of writing is that you are comparing and contrasting two things, people, places or subjects that may or may not obviously relate to each other. You will have to do your research to explore each item and find both its similarities and differences to the other item.
Below, you will find a list of topics you can use. If you are just starting this assignment, you should pick a topic early on, so that you can do the research before you start writing. Picking a topic is one of the most important steps because you shouldn’t change it once you have started. If you do, you will just be wasting your time and have to rewrite the paragraphs you already wrote.
After you know what you will be writing about, you should organize the rest of your time. Make sure you have enough days left before the deadline to research, write, edit and proofread your homework. Most students will find it helpful to have a friend read their work before handing it in, because they can catch errors you have overlooked. While it’s important to have good writing and stay on topic, eliminating mistakes is something that will boost your grade as well.
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