A List Of Great Economic Essay Topics For College Students

Essays are a great way for your teacher to get a good assessment of how well you are understanding the various topics. One good way of writing a good essay is to choose a good topic to write about. When you are dealing with topics on economics, there are so many ways to go. Here are some ideas that are current issues that you can write about.

You should try and use the five paragraph format for this assignment. That means you will want to come up with three reasons to support your thesis. This is really the minimum amount for a college paper. You want to make sure that you also develop a solid outline for this project. You will need to write a very concise and organized paper. An outline will help to ensure that it turns out to be a specific and concise paper where every sentence is written to prove the main point. You don’t want to go off on any tangents or change the subject anytime throughout the paper.

Some topics to get you brainstorming

  1. Discuss current global financial crisis
  2. What causes poverty?
  3. Gap between the rich and the poor
  4. Economic causes of World hunger and poverty
  5. How are corrupt leaders effecting the economy?
  6. What is economic democracy?
  7. What are the causes of the debt crisis?
  8. Discuss the World Trade Organization and free trade
  9. Is protectionism a barrier to free trade?
  10. How does corporate social responsibility effect economic decisions?

Feel free to utilize these ideas or come up with your own. It is not a big dear either way. You should consider the fact that other students may have found the same trouble and found the same solution. You obviously are only getting a title from here so it may not be an issue. But at least if you come up with a unique topic, you won’t have to worry about being graded on your work and on how your work measures up to the other papers on the same topic. It may not be done on purpose but it is too hard to give two people the same grade if one wrote a better paper on that topic.

Let the brainstorming begin. Start jotting down any and everything that you think about until you have found what you are looking for. Professional essay services - get your essays written by expert essay writer.
