15 Attention-Grabbing Argumentative Essay Topics Related To Business

The argumentative essay is a genre of writing where you have to investigate your particular topic and evaluate the evidence in order to establish your position. The argumentative essay is one where you have to conduct a great deal of research into the existing literature or published material. In some cases you have to collect data through observations, interviews, surveys, or experiments. It is through detailed research that you can learn about your topic and understand all of the different points or views pertaining to that topic. By understanding each of the different viewpoints you can choose your position and then support that position with the evidence you have collected. Regardless of the links you have to fulfill for this particular genre of writing your structure will contain a thesis statement, clear and logical transitions, body paragraph where the support is, and you're concluding paragraph. If you are searching for topics related to business that you can use for this particular assignment consider the following examples from

  1. Mergers are much better compared to acquisitions because the owner is able to retain some of their ownership

  2. Manufacturing should avoid just in time production

  3. Businesses can always revamp their policies or begin in a new direction for their particular product lines

  4. Businesses that focus on products are typically more successful than those who focus on their markets

  5. Every part of a marketing strategy is imperative to the success of a company

  6. Company should hire their employees through offering them a better value than the current job they have

  7. Social and political context for a country directly affect labor turnover and therefore make labor turnover a poor representation for company loyalty

  8. Case studies can allow students to understand real life situations but because they are theoretical they do not allow students to feel the pressure

  9. Entrepreneurs are required to be more democratic when they work in service oriented businesses

  10. If working conditions are optima and managers remain cooperative employees will be satisfied with lower pay scales

  11. Leadership is a quality which can be developed through self-improvement and learning

  12. Monetary incentives function as the highest motivational level compared to personal acknowledgment, fringe benefits, or other rewards

  13. Companies must exploit labor in order to maximize profits

  14. Companies to test on animals lose their competitive advantage

  15. Business studies is good for hard-working individuals to can make great leaders Professional essay services - get your essays written by expert essay writer.
