20 Persuasive Essay Topics For College Students

College students are one of many millions of people that on a daily basis engage in persuasive discussion. The following topics are food for thought on what to write a persuasive essay on and some ideas for the topics, regardless of how asinine:

  • Intervention in the Middle East
  • Lowering the voting age in America
  • Enforcing all college students to study abroad
  • Restricting the amount of cars a family can own
  • Replacing grades with pass/fail marks
  • Allowing any female no matter her age to receive an abortion
  • Placing higher taxes on processed foods
  • Extending the school day
  • Free tuition for students in high demand majors
  • Forgiving all college loans for graduates after 2000
  • Enforcing junior college on students before entering a university
  • Revoking affirmative action in school and job placements
  • Raising the drinking age in all countries to 21
  • Enforcing everyone to re-take their driver’s test every 5 years
  • Making each continent have one standard currency
  • Making everyone serve in the military for 2 years prior to college or university
  • Enforcing an entrance exam for high school
  • Enforcing abstinence only sex education in schools
  • Lowering the tuition costs for students
  • Enforcing everyone in the world to learn English

Intervention in the Middle East

Either side, whether military presence should be there or not.

Lowering the voting age in America

Allowing 16 years old to vote in elections.

Enforcing all college students to study abroad

A worldly mind will be able to solve worldy problems.

Restricting the amount of cars a family can own

With pollution on the rise, families can now only own one vehicle.

Replacing grades with pass/fail marks

Labeling students as a number brings down their self-esteem instead they pass or fail.

Allowing any female no matter her age to receive an abortion

Mistakes happen, but we should not let them ruin their life.

Placing higher taxes on processed foods

These foods make a person fat, so to avoid getting fat they should be taxed more.

Extending the school day

Students do not learn enough in school, therefore they should stay an extra 3-4 hours.

Free tuition for students in high demand majors

Someone majoring in engineering deserves free tuition over a philosophy major.

Forgiving all college loans for graduates after 2000

In order to boost the economy, students need to stop living in debt.

Enforcing junior college on students before entering a university

Universities should not waste their time on students that will fail out, so this will help prepare students to do better.

Revoking affirmative action in school and job placements

Base all job applications on quality and nothing else.

Raising the drinking age in all countries to 21

This allows young people around the world to not kill as many brain cells at a young age.

Enforcing everyone to re-take their driver’s test every 5 years

With more focus on driving well, accidents will decrease.

Making each continent have one standard currency

This allows for travelers to not have to worry about bank transactions and wasted money on a bill they just cannot break before departing.

Making everyone serve in the military for 2 years prior to college or university

This will increase national pride.

Enforcing an entrance exam for high school

This will allow for the top students to be in schools together to learn without distraction.

Enforcing abstinence only sex education in schools

Teaching students to wait for their true love will make teenage pregnancy decrease.

Lowering the tuition costs for students

All students should be charged a smaller tuition rate regardless of attending a private or public institution.

Enforcing everyone in the world to learn English

Since everyone resorts to English when both parties speak a foreign language, it should be a secondary language of every nation. Professional essay services - get your essays written by expert essay writer.